
An visualization application to provide users with an interactive platform to explore and understand health-related data

Health Data Visualization -Documentation


The motivation behind this application is to provide users with an interactive platform to explore and understand health-related data. By visualizing various factors such as economic status, environmental conditions, personal habits, demographics, health care system, and personal health, users can gain insights into the correlations and trends within the data. The application aims to empower users to make informed decisions and take actions to improve health outcomes.


The data used in the application comes from this website. It includes a wide range of health-related attributes such as poverty percentage, median household income, air quality, smoking rates, elderly population, and more.

Visualization Components

The application consists of multiple visualization components, including:

  • Bar Chart
  • Scatter Plot
  • Choropleth Map

Users can interact with the application by selecting different attributes and filters using the graphical user interface (GUI). The views update dynamically in response to user interactions, allowing for real-time exploration and analysis of the data.

Color Scheme

Each category in the visualization is represented by a distinct color scheme to aid in easy identification and interpretation:

  • Economical (Orange): Poverty percentage, median household income, and percentage of the population that completed high school. Color: #FFA500
  • Environmental (Green): Air quality and park access. Color: #008000
  • Personal Habits (Purple): Smoking and inactivity. Color: #800080
  • Demographical (Pink): Elderly population and county type (rural/urban/suburban/small city). Color: #FF69B4
  • Health Care System (Blue): Number of hospitals, primary care physicians, and percentage of the population without health insurance. Color: #0000FF
  • Personal Health (Red): High blood pressure, coronary heart disease, stroke, and high cholesterol. Color: #FF0000

The dropdown selection of categories in the health data visualization application provides users with a straightforward way to choose which aspect of health-related data they want to explore. By selecting a category from the dropdown menu, users can quickly switch between different views of the data, focusing on areas such as economics, environment, personal habits, demographics, health care system, and personal health. This feature simplifies the user experience and enables efficient navigation through the dataset.


Brushing, on the other hand, facilitates data exploration by allowing users to interactively select and filter specific data points or regions of interest within individual charts. As users brush over a chart, the application dynamically updates all other visualization components to reflect the filtered data, ensuring that users can analyze correlations and patterns across multiple aspects of the dataset simultaneously. This synchronized approach to updating charts enhances the coherence and usability of the visualization.

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